Construction CEO

Management Consultants to the Construction Industry


Project Mgt.
Financial Mgt.
Risk Management
General Mgt.




Financial Management

“ If you hire, fire or spend money in your daily activities, your job is one of management. Management at any level in a contractor company involves the proper use of people, money, equipment, market information and organization. No matter how narrow the scope of your job as a manager, the decisions that you make influence the performance of the total company. These decisions may be right for a job that is viewed merely as getting more sales. Yet if cash flow of the project is wrong; if the margin of the project is wrong; if the cost mix of the project is wrong; if the financial capacity of the company cannot support the project; or if the organization cannot perform the project; these decisions may be wrong”

Jerry Jackson Financial Management for Contractors

Financial and Accounting Management are the core skills necessary for a CEO to properly lead his organization to financial success. Financial Statements, Job Cost Reports, Budgets and Cash Management all provide the necessary information to the organization and the CEO for effective decision-making. Without this data, provided in a timely and reliable fashion, the Construction Company is managing in the dark. Many “successful projects” that are monuments to perfection can be financial disasters if the job loses money or if the contractor is not paid fully for his services.









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